Alaska Vistas is dedicated to guarding the safety of staff and guests not only in matters of physical harm, but also from communicable diseases of major concern. Although the, the worldwide spread of COVID-19 has diminished, we hold ourselves to a strict sanitation and cleaning program. This policy supersedes previous protocols used to deter communicable diseases such as Influenza or Norovirus. Alaska Vistas staff and managers choose to stay ahead of this issue by developing the following practices:
- All staff will be monitored daily and tested for fever at the beginning of the day to ensure they are not infected. A log will be kept.
- Staff identified as possibly infected or sick will be sent to home quarantine or the Wrangell Medical Center.
- All equipment to be wiped down with sanitizer before the first departure and between all departures
- Gloves will be mandatory for staff to collect garbage or supplies from guests.
- Hand sanitizers as needed or requested available for all guests and staff.
- Guests with visible sign of ague or health distress will be identified and
cleared (temperature check and interview) or denied participation before
leaving the dock.
- If on a cruise ship this will be in conjunction and with agreement and
participation of ship’s staff.
- Guests or staff without signs of infection will be encouraged to maintain
personal hygiene; cough into the crook of their elbow, place garbage in the garbage bag or ask staff for help, refrain from touching their face as much as possible.
- Hand sanitizers for use by all guests at entry and exit on all boats and vans, and pre and post entry on kayaks and canoes at EACH STOP that includes debarking from the vessel or van.
- All snacks, food and drinks will be individually packaged to avoid cross contamination between guests, and guests and staff
- Captain or lead guide will include the above health safety points in the general safety briefing.